Thursday, June 19, 2008


An extremely average movie in every possible way.

A man starts suffering incredible headaches and blacks out for periods of times. He start to gain spontaneous knowledge, but people around him are starting to die and he suspects he is the killer.

Special Effects:
Pretty lame. Near then end you will see what I mean, but without giving to much of the story away the murderer is pretty lame.

The background music choices are bad and they felt the need to to the typical "scary build up" music whenever anything dramatic was going to happen.

Some of the acting here was alright (the crazy chess player, the gay asian) but most of it was very average. "Ah, what are you doing here. Alex? Alex?"

Unless bleeding eyes scare you (and there is a lot of these) then don't worry, iit's safe.

Typical music, typical special effects for low budget movies, average acting, somewhat interesting but done pretty bad plot, etc.



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