Monday, June 23, 2008

Call of Duty 4

Graphics 9.5/10

The graphics are great on this game. A visually stunning game. The helicopter scene where it falls down is unbelievable. Everything down to the smallest detail is taken care of. The graphics set the bar for a FPS. All the graphics help make your experience better. I'e had people think I'm watching a movie and I have to tell them it's a game. The cutscenes are nice as well. Just all together a graphical work of art.

Gameplay 9.5/10

The gameplay on this game is so fluent. The control system comes naturally to any gamer. It just seems easy to do as soon as you step in. The grenade throwing button and Looking Down the scope button were perfectly placed on the PS3 controller. Easy to pick up and play really just not easy to succeed at you could say. They say that the Hardened dificulty is just to hard and that may be the only complaint that it's to difficult of a game.

Story 8/10

The story was good but not really creative. I mean don't get me wrong it was a nice story and all veyr much realistic buit it never tells you who your fighting other than Russians here and there. That's not really a problem though. It was just a good storyline nothing more. Very cinematic hence the ending where it makes you dramatically take out your enemy with a pistol. All the cinematic stuff is cool but anyone could write a story like this. Kind of like a 24 storyline.

Multiplayer 8.5/10

Good multiplayer but connection problems on the PS3 make it sometimes Un-Enjoyable. That's not the games fault though. Still sometimes the game seems unorganized and it supposively sorts people into games with enemies on their skill level but it doesn't so time and time again I see beginners finish games with one kill and 20 deaths. Sort of uneven and the clan system is nothing compared to Resistances. Still enjoyable.

Replay Value 9/10

With most shooters you can replay levels and stuff and it doesn't matter much. So all shooters have high replay value because of this. You can play a level over and over and it never gets old. [For The Most PArt] You can step it up each time until you become a master of COD4. Step up the difficulty and feel good about yourself later. It's good stuff. I never have had a problem replayng FPS's.

Overall 9.5/10


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