Friday, June 20, 2008

Wristcutters: A Love Story (2006)

A guy named Zia commits suicide after his girlfriend breaks up with him. Instead of going to heaven, or hell, he finds himself in a place with everyone who has committed suicide and it's exactly the same as our world, just a little worse.

The acting was great and really convincing. You could feel the sadness and hopelessness in the characters. There were no crappy actors, everyone played their parts very well.

For a movie about suicide it's surprisingly funny. From Eugene talking about the (Arab) taxi driver and how you need to commit suicide to be here (do the math he says lol ), to his random witty comments. It is indeed a funny movie.

A surprisingly good movie. It was hard to know what it was going to be like from reading the description but it's definitely worth a watch. The humor, comments, tone, and just overall idea of it is great. The plot does drag on a LITTLE occasionally, and I didn't really enjoy the ending but then again I don't see how else it could have ended. It gets 2 Thumbs Up


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