Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Assassins Creed

graphics: 10/10

These graphics set the bar at the highest for all next gen games. The attention to detail and perfectly made cities that are all big and every inch of it is explorable. Everything in this game is beautiful and perfect looking.

gameplay: 7/10

The gamplay on Creed is unique and for some it may take awhile to get the hang of but once you do you'll see it moves with a certain elegance. Sometimes the controls can seem a little sloppy but normally I cant complain. The different counters and such make it cool. My biggest complaint is that the missions and assassinations are mad repetitive so it eventually can get boring. Otherwise I would give the gameplay a 9. Its still fun to slaughter people but you often find yourself doing the same thing over & over

story: 7.5/10

So the story is both great and not great. Very smart and well written almost cinematic but its the way it leaves you. Some people say its wack that it was both based in the future and what not but I dont care I thought it was kinda cool. Very smart and well thought out story.

multiplayer: NONE

replay value: 1/10

Whats the point? If you feel like playing through it again then go right ahead. Honestly a game like this doesn't need to be played again u just gotta wait for the sequel. You already know all the spoilers and such and I'm sure you dont feel like repeating shit again so just wait it out.....

overall: C+
Yea sorry I like to put my overall scores in letter grades. Honestly yea the ending was a little weak and kinda sucked but it was basically giving you mad incentive to play the second one. Yea I didn't like the final fight with the boss because he sucked ass and I destroyed him. Honestly tho the game is rather challenging, good storyline and the graphics are unbelievable enough. Yea so what the ending sucked but tell me this will you buy the second one? Thats what I though......


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