Thursday, June 19, 2008


1. Intro

-A real dope intro. Had a lot of good shit compiled.

2.Gangsta Rap [Remix]

- A dope track even tho it short. It sets the tone for this mixtapes meaning.

3. Cops Keep Firing

- Pretty okay track. Just saying how Cops are crooked and shit. Once again setting the mood that this is a rather political album.

4. Hero ft. Keri Hilson

- At first listen I hated this but after the second time I started to like it. It's still very mainstream but so is Nas now. Keri Hilson sang in it and she was pretty good. It's just an okay track instead of lame.

5. Black President

- Kind of boring. I started yawning. Its about just what the title says. Kind of a dumb track.

6. Association ft. Stic Man

- It was kind of lame. Also boring and I really don't get where it belonged. Honestly it was lyrically good but the beat was average and it just had nothing to it.

7. Legendary [Mike Tyson]

- Wow this was fucking gay. A waste of 2:54 of my life. Pretty retarded and pointless

8. Ghetto [Remix] ft. Joell Ortiz

- Another bad track. This tape started off good and its getting worse as I going on. It's like Nas is trying to sound smart but sounds ignorant [Chamillionaire?] This track is like nails on a chalk board.

9. Seen It All [Green Mix]

- Well this redeemed the tape a lil. A nice beat and just a good track to bump. It's not boring and worth an actual listen. Too bad its so short

10. Esco Lets Go

- A decent track. The chorus is cheesy and retarded but the track itself is decent. "Esco Lets Go" No lets not ya digg?


- A good track actually with a great meaning. Lyrically it's decent and I liked the beat it seemed more Nas like.

12. Be A Nigger Too [Remix] ft. Dante Hawkins

-OH GOD KILL ME NOW!!!! How retarded was this? Boring as hell and it just sucked. I mean lyrically it was blah but it was just not Nas at all. It seems like he's trying to be a gospel singer.

13. Surviving The Times

-I dont know what to say honestly. I mean I want to like it but theres something about it that makes it lame. Good lyrically and a well told story though. It just still dind't seem like Nas.
14. Nas Timeline
-WTF! What a waste of a track or w/e the fuck it is. Its just basically him talking about his career. The mixing is nice tho
15. Outro ft. Richard Pryor

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