A boy named Alex and his pack of "droogs" (a gang of friends) live normal lives during the day, but at night they dress up and terrorize the city. They attack homeless people, break into houses and assault the residents, and more such crimes daily. Alex eventually gets arrested for one of his crimes but instead of serving much jail time he volunteers for an experimental procedure that will "cure" him. But does it work?
The soundtrack to the movie is simply amazing. During the violent attacks, the rape, light hearted music is sung and heard. The director wanted us to feel something was bad not because he told us to (with dramatic music) but because we truly did.
The film was made in 1971, but it still focuses on a lot of issues still current today. It focuses on how the youth are out of control with a lack of parent control and how we are being desensitzed to violence. The filming was beautiful and makes the movie look very artistic.
The movie is supposed to make you feel bad, and see what humans can really be like. Alex shows no remorse about anything he does and doesn't care about anyone elses rights. He is truly a vile character, but what happens to him almost makes us feel bad for him, for a while.
So, who's the real monster? A man without choice is the biggest crime of all.
Put simply A Clockwork Orange is a movie everyone should see at least once.
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