Requiem For a Dream is an epic movie. It focuses on the lives of four different people, Harry Goldfarb (Leto), his mother Sara (Burstyn), his girlfriend Marion Silver (Jennifer Connelly), and his friend Tyrone C. Love (Wayans). The movie progresses in three parts, Summer, Fall, and Winter. The focus is on addiction to various things and the spiral downwards that each of the addicts face.
The film starts with Harry taking his moms TV and then meeting his friend Tyrone who helps him bring it to a market to sell. They use the money they get from it to buy heroine, and later Sara goes and buys it back and we are told this is a cycle that happens every time Harry needs drugs. Sara gets a phone call about how appearing on television and she gets very excited, but discovers she can't fit in her favorite dress. After a short attempt at a diet she goes on diet pills and slips into psychosis. Harry's girlfriend, Marion, is addicted to cocaine.
As the seasons progress the film shows out the characters descent from delusional dreamy bliss to harsh reality (in Winter).
The acting in perfect, every plays there roles very well and become more addict like. You start to sympathize with the characters even though you know there situations are their fault, Sara's to a lesser degree.
The film techniques are great, Aronofsky uses many montages of short clips to show them getting high, selling the drugs, etc as well as split screen use. This works very well and better then expected.
The musical score is simply mind blowing. The songs composed for the film are simply amazing, most notably Lux Aeterna which you will hear many times in the film. The title might not sound familiar but you've heard it, it's been used in many other things including the Saw franchise, Assassin's Creed, I Am Legend, Da Vinci Code, and more. It's a haunting melody that always makes you feel something massive and epic is taking place no matter what it is put to.
Overall it's a great movie. It has a good theme and deals with it great. You need to see this movie, now.
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